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Widely recognized as the world’s finest cold vulcanizing cement REMA
SC2000 is the solution to your i
ndustrial bonding problems. By using
REMA UTR20 hardener with the SC64646464646
2000 cement natural rubber,
neoprene rubber, SBR rubber
and others can be bo
nded to each other,
fabric and to steel without the aid of
heat, pressure or sp
ecial equipment.
REMA SC2000 is a two component, room
temperature curing chloroprene
based liquid rubber adhesive that, when
catalyzed with the appropriate
amount of UTR20 Hardener, yields
high strength adhesions. REMA
SC2000 is ideal for use in lining
installations, when bonding rubber to
rubber, rubber to fabric, rubber to steel,
rubber to concrete, fiberglass, and
urethane, as well as the splicing and r
epair of fabric conveyor belting.
Repair to existing ru
bber lined vessels and r
ubber components are also
Mixing instructions
The REMA SC2000 cement system is
comprised of cement and hardener
in the ratio of 1 Kg of cement to
40 grams of hardener. These two
components must be thoroughly mixed (sti
rred). The mixed portion should
be used within 2 hours.
General Rubber Lining Environmental Conditions
Before any sandblasting, application of metal primer, adhesives or
application of lining material the am
bient temperature and that of the
substrate must be at least + 50° F
ahrenheit with a maxi
mum temperature
of + 104° to +113° Fahrenheit.
The Relative Humidity should not
exceed 80% during